1000+ Best Free Design Resources For Startups And Side Project Part2

As a designer, people also wondered what new tools and utilities were used by other designers? Well, we have compiled a list of all the designers’ resources and utilities recognized worldwide. These free design resources are recommended by the expert designers to assist you in this mission. Check out the list and you can finally pick the ones that suit your requirements correctly.
This is a GitHub repo bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers: Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more started by Brad Traversy, a popular online instructor and full-stack web developer.
To identify different types of design resources, this article will be divided into 31 categories as below:
2022-Top-1000-Best-Free-Design-Resources-For-Startups-And-Side-Project-Part1 2022-Top-1000-Best-Free-Design-Resources-For-Startups-And-Side-Project-Part2 2022-Top-1000-Best-Free-Design-Resources-For-Startups-And-Side-Project-Part3
- UI Graphics
- Fonts
- Colors
- Icons
- Logos
- Favicons
- Icon Fonts
- Stock Photos
- Stock Videos
- Stock Music & Sound Effects
- Vectors & Clip Art
- Product & Image Mockups
- HTML & CSS Templates
- CSS Frameworks
- CSS Methodologies
- CSS Animations
- Javascript Animation Libraries
- Javascript Chart Libraries
- UI Components & Kits
- React UI Libraries
- Vue UI Libraries
- Angular UI Libraries
- Svelte UI Libraries
- React Native UI Libraries
- Design Systems & Style Guides
- Online Design Tools
- Downloadable Design Software
- Design Inspiration
- Image Compression
- Chrome Extensions
- Others
Product & Image Mockups
Create mockups of devices and other products
Website | Description |
Smart Mockups | Create stunning product mockups (free & premium) |
Media Modifier | beautiful design mockups service for your products (free & premium) |
Shot Snap | Create beautiful device mockup images for your app or website design |
Screely | Instantly turn your screenshot into a mockup |
Screenshot.rocks | Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds |
Screen Peak | Create a mockup from a URL |
Mockup World | The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online |
Collab Shot | Real-time screen grabs and image sharing |
Facebook Devices | Images and Sketch files of popular devices |
Threed.io | Generate 3D mockups right in your browser. |
Mockuphone | 100% free mockups for all devices including IOS, Android, Windows Phone, Laptop & Desktop and TV |
Device Shots | Create high-resolution device mockups for social media, for free |
Clean Mock | Create stunning mockups using latest device frames like iPhone X & custom backgrounds that make your mobile or website design standout, right from your browser quickly & for free. |
Mock.Video | Instantly create mockups by adding a device frame to your videos. |
MockupBro | Create product mockups with online mockup generator! Just choose a mockup, upload your design and download your image without a watermark. |
Animockup | Create animated mockups in the browser 🔥. |
HTML & CSS Templates
Websites that offer free beautiful website templates and themes of all types
Website | Description |
HTML5Up | Very modern, unique responsive HTML5/CSS3 themes |
Templatemo | Minimal, resume, gallery themes and more |
FreeHTML5 | Free & premium HTML5 and Bootstrap themes |
StyleShout | Brilliantly crafted free website templates |
Start Bootstrap | Bootstrap starter themes |
Zerotheme | HTML5, Bootstrap, Prestashop templates |
HTML5xCSS3 | Collection of wonderful templates in different categories |
Colorlib | Almost any category of theme you can think of |
Free CSS | Huge collection of free templates |
Hubspot | Templates, infographics, banners and much more |
Mobirise | Great looking HTML5/CSS3 templates |
Bootswatch | Free themes for Bootstrap |
Onepagelove | One-page websites, templates and resources |
Themes For App | Free Bootstrap themes and landing pages |
BootstrapTaste | Premium & Free Bootstrap Templates |
BootstrapMade | Elegant, clean and beautiful free templates using Bootstrap. |
W3Layouts | W3Layouts: 3784+ Free Website Templates for 2020 |
Tooplate | Tooplate: Free HTML Templates for everyone! |
Cruip | Fully coded HTML templates to help you easily build your startup landing page without hassles. |
UIdeck | Free Landing Page Templates and Bootstrap Themes |
Splawr | Free web templates to kickstart your idea! |
W3css_templates | Some responsive W3.CSS website templates for you to use. |
All-Free-Download | Download free-website-templates |
mashup-template | HTML5/CSS3 Free Templates |
Sneat Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template | Open-source & Easy to us Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template with Elegant Design & Unique Layout. |
CSS Frameworks
CSS/UI frameworks to help build great looking websites and applications
Website | Description |
Tailwind CSS | Low level, utility-first framework |
Bootstrap | Popular UI framework with tons of components that use both CSS and JS |
Materialize | A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design |
Material Design Lite | Light framework based on Material Design. No JS dependency |
Bulma | Modern CSS framework with no JS |
Skeleton | Extremely light framework for basic UI elements |
Uniform CSS | Fully configurable utility generator and CSS framework built entirely in Sass |
Semantic UI | Empowers designers and developers by creating a shared vocabulary for UI |
Fomantic UI | A community fork of Semantic-UI |
Foundation | Mobile first framework with clean markup |
Pure CSS | A set of small, responsive CSS modules |
UIKit | Lightweight and modular front-end framework |
Susy | Lightweight, grid-layout engine for Sass |
Milligram.io | Minimalist CSS framework |
Vanilla Framework | Simple, extensible CSS framework written in Sass |
Spectre CSS | Lightweight, modern CSS framework |
Picnic CSS | Lightweight and beautiful library |
Wing | A beautiful CSS framework designed for minimalists |
Chota | A micro (~3kb) CSS framework |
Blueprint CSS | A lightweight layout library for building great responsive mobile first UIs that work everywhere |
W3.CSS | A modern CSS framework with support for desktop, tablet, and mobile design by default. Designed to be independent of jQuery or any other JavaScript library |
98.css | A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs |
NES CSS | NES-style CSS Framework |
Shoelace.css | Lightweight, forward-thinking CSS library built with future CSS syntax |
MVP.css | A minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements. No class names, no frameworks, just semantic HTML and you're done |
Blaze.css | Open source modular CSS toolkit providing great structure for building websites quickly |
Turret CSS | Turret CSS is a styles framework for development of responsive websites. |
Cutestrap | A strong, independent CSS Framework. |
XP.css | XP.css is an extension of 98.css. A CSS library for building interfaces that look like old UIs. |
Framework7 | Framework7 - is a free and open source framework to develop mobile, desktop or web apps with native look and feel. |
Hint.css | A pure CSS tooltip library for your lovely websites. |
imagehover.io | Pure CSS Image Hover Effect Library |
mini.css | A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework |
Tachyons | Create fast loading, highly readable, and 100% responsive interfaces with as little css as possible. |
Material Bootstrap | Material Design with Bootstrap |
Ivory | A modern CSS framework for developing powerful web interfaces faster and easier |
Halfmoon UI | A responsive and lightweight framework, designed for quickly building beautiful dashboards and product pages. |
Metro 4 | Create your site quickly and effectively with Metro 4. impressive components library built on html, css, javascript. |
css-doodle | A web component for drawing patterns with CSS |
latex.css | Make your website look like a LaTeX document |
Paper CSS | Front-end printing solution |
Windi CSS | Next generation compiler for Tailwind CSS |
Cirrus CSS | A component and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping. |
Gutenberg | Modern framework to print the web correctly. |
lit | World's smallest responsive fire css framework (395 bytes). |
Arwes | Arwes is a web framework to build user interfaces based on futuristic science fiction designs, animations, and sound effects. |
Bojler | Bojler is an email framework for developing responsive and lightweight email templates that will render correctly across each of the most popular email clients. |
Tacit | Primitive CSS Framework for dummies, without classes. |
Terminal CSS | A modern and minimal CSS framework for terminal lovers. |
Sakura | A minimal classless css framework / theme. |
PSone | PS1 style CSS Framework, inspired by NES.css. |
Marx | Marx is the classless CSS reset to be used in any projects (namely small ones). |
Tufte | Style your webpage like Edward Tufte’s handouts. |
Axentix | Axentix is an open source Framework based on CSS Grid using HTML, CSS and JS. |
Raster Simple Grid System | Minimal and straight-forward CSS grid system utilizing descriptive HTML rather than semantic CSS. |
flowrift | Flowrift is a library made of beautifully designed Tailwind CSS UI blocks. |
twind | The smallest, fastest, most feature complete tailwind-in-js solution in existence |
Pico.css | Elegant styles for all natives HTML elements without .classes and dark mode automatically enabled. |
clay.css | Extensible and configurable micro CSS util class and SASS mixin for adding claymorphism styles to your components. |
CSS Methodologies
CSS methodologies to help write modular, reusable and scalable code
Website | Description |
OOCSS | OOCSS concepts help us write components that are flexible, modular and interchangeable. |
Atomic CSS | Atomic CSS is the approach to CSS architecture that favors small, single-purpose classes with names based on visual function. |
BEM | Block Element Modifier is a methodology that helps you to create reusable components and code sharing in front-end development. |
SMACSS | SMACSS is a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. |
CSS Animations
CSS animations to build awesome animations for websites and applications
Website | Description |
Animate.css | Just-add-water CSS animations |
Bounce.js | Bounce.js is a tool and JS library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations |
Anime.js | Anime.js (/ˈæn.ə.meɪ?ref=cvbox.org) is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JavaScript Objects |
Magic Animations | Animations has been one of the most impressive animation libraries available |
Zdog | Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG |
CSShake | CSShake delivers exactly what it says on the box — a CSS library designed specifically for shaking elements within your web page |
Hover.css | Hover.css is a CSS animation library designed for use with buttons and other UI elements in your website |
AniJS | AniJS is an animation library that allows you to add animations to elements in a simple ‘sentence-like’ structure |
Animista | CSS Animations On Demand |
Tachyons-animate | Tachyons itself is an atomic CSS library with a ton of utility classes for essentially designing anything by adding classes to what you need |
Sequence.js | Sequence.js is a JavaScript library that provides a responsive CSS framework for creating unique sliders, presentations, banners, and other step-based applications |
Infinite | These animations, like rotations and pulses, that are specifically designed to run and repeat forever |
OBNOXIOUS.CSS | Animations for the strong of heart, and weak of mind |
MOTION UI | A Sass library for creating flexible CSS transitions and animations |
Keyframes.app | A graphical user interface for generating custom CSS keyframe animations |
thoughtbot | CSS Transitions and Transformations for Beginners |
SVG Artista | A useful tool to animate stroke and fill properties in SVG images with plain CSS code |
AnimXYZ | AnimXYZ helps you create, customize, and compose animations for your website. Built for Vue, React, SCSS, and CSS |
Whirl | CSS loading animations with minimal effort! |
Hamburgers | Hamburgers is a collection of tasty CSS-animated hamburger icons. Also included is the source as a Sass library. It’s modular and customizable, so cook up your own hamburger. |
CSS Loaders & Spinners | This is a library having a collection of different types of CSS loaders, spinners |
Motion One | A new animation library, built on the Web Animations API for the smallest filesize and the fastest performance. |
pocoloco | Generate dynamic backgrounds for your website |
AniX | Super easy and lightweight css animation library. |
Javascript Animation Libraries
javascript animations libraries to build awesome animations for websites and applications
Website | Description |
Greensock | A JavaScript library for building high-performance animations that work in every major browser |
Velocity.js | Velocity is a lightweight animation engine with the same API as jQuery's $.animate() |
lax.js | Simple & light weight vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll! |
Rellax.js | A buttery smooth, super lightweight, vanilla javascript parallax library |
three.js | An easy to use, lightweight, 3D library with a default WebGL renderer. |
Atropos | Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects. |
wow.js | Reveal Animations When You Scroll. |
chocolat.js | Free lightbox plugin. |
Animate On Scroll | Animate on scroll library to reveal animations when You scroll. |
Tilt.js | A tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax hover tilt effect for jQuery. |
Roughnotation | Rough Notation is a small JavaScript library to create and animate annotations on a web page |
tsParticles | A lightweight library for creating particles, an improved version of the abandoned and obsolete particles.js |
Particles.js | A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles |
mo.js | The motion graphics toolbelt for the web |
Lightbox2 | A small JS library to overlay images on top of the current page. |
Slick | Fully responsive carousel |
barba.js | Create fluid and smooth transitions between your website’s pages. |
Locomotive Scroll | A simple scroll library that provides detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax. |
Owl carousel | Free responsive jQuery carousel |
Swiperjs | Free, Open Source, Modern Slider without jQuery. Available for Vanilla JS and all modern frameworks like React, Vue, Angular etc. |
Splide | Free, pure JS library for carousels and sliders |
Simple Parallax | The easiest way to get a parallax effect with javascript |
KUTE.js | KUTE.js is a JavaScript animation engine for modern browsers. |
Granim.js | Create fluid and interactive gradient animations with this small javascript library. |
Popmotion | Simple animation libraries for delightful user interfaces. |
Vivus | Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript class (with no dependencies) that allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearence of being drawn. |
Typed.js | A JavaScript Typing Animation Library. |
Progress Bar.js | Responsive and slick progress bars with animated SVG paths. |
Midnight.js | Midnight.js lets you switch fixed headers on the fly |
Tingle.js | Tingle is a simple modal plugin written in pure JavaScript |
Theatre.js | Theatre.js is a JavaScript animation library with a GUI. It animates the DOM, WebGL, and any other JavaScript variable. |
splidejs | Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel written in TypeScript. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors. |
nice-waves | Beautiful animated waves |
Vanta.js | Animated website backgrounds in a few lines of code. |
Javascript Chart Libraries
Libraries that help developers visualize data into charts
Website | Description |
ChartJS | Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers |
FrappeJS | Includes Green squares grid like in GitHub, and other charts to use. |
G2Plot | G2Plot is an interactive and responsive charting library based on the grammar of graphics. |
Google Charts | Get the experience from Google to create similar charts that Google uses. |
Data Driven Documents (D3) | Bind complicated and massive data to interactive graphs. |
ApexCharts.Js | Modern & Interactive Open-source Charts |
Chartist | Simple responsive charts |
Vizzu | Vizzu - a free, open-source Javascript library for building animated charts, data stories, and interactive explorers. |
UI Components & Kits
Not quite "frameworks", but tools for creating user interfaces with components or UI kits
Website | Description |
Bit | Provides a huge library of reuseable UI Components for React, Angular, Vue, React Native. Also can be used for sharing UI Components among other team members |
UILang | A minimal, UI-focused programming language for web designers |
Medialoot CSS Components | Calendars, price grids and other UI components |
Froala Design Blocks | Over 170 responsive design blocks ready to be used in your web or mobile apps |
Flowbite | Open-source library of Tailwind CSS components |
daisyUI | Tailwind CSS Components |
Mui Treasury | An open-source project that provides a collection of ready-to-use components based on Material-UI. |
Material Design For Bootstrap | Open source toolkit for building material design with Bootstrap |
Photonkit | Desktop UI library for Electron |
Flat UI | Minimal free user interface kit |
Shards | A free and modern UI toolkit for web makers based on Bootstrap |
Themesberg | Free and open-source website themes, templates, and UI kits based on Bootstrap and React |
Creative Tim | All types of UI libraries and kits including JS frameworks like React |
Brumm Shadow Maker | An online tool to make css shadows |
AdminLTE | Best open source admin dashboard & control panel theme |
SpinKit | Simple CSS Spinners |
Epic Spinners | CSS spinners collection with Vue.js integration. |
Loading.io | Online service provider for creating simple animations, spinners, progress bar and more |
Moving Letters | Animated Text with JavaScript and anime.js |
CSS Layout | A collection of popular web layouts and patterns in pure CSS |
CSS Grid Generator | An open-source project that allow users to quickly create dynamic layout based on CSS Grid. |
Codyhouse | Kick-start your web projects with CodyHouse's front-end framework and library of accessible HTML, CSS, JavaScript components |
Tailwind Starter Kit | Tailwind Starter Kit a beautiful extension for TailwindCSS, Free and Open Source |
Tailwindtoolbox | Open source starter templates and components, a plugins directory and useful tools/utilities to kick start your Tailwind CSS project. |
tailwindcomponents | A free repository for community components using TailwindCSS |
sweetalert | SweetAlert makes popup messages easy and pretty. |
sweetalert2 | A beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible replacement for javascript's popup boxes |
tailblocks | Open source ready-to-use Tailwind CSS components. |
Soft Components | A set of framework-agnostic web components based on neumorphic design. |
Fast | An interface system that can be used with modern Web Frameworks such as React, Vue and Angular. |
LottieFiles | Interactive animations in many formats like json,gif and mp4, libraries and plugins for Web & Mobile . |
Tailwindow | Components created using Tailwind CSS utilities class, so it can be customized to make themes easily. |
Kutty | A set of accessible and reusable prebuilt Tailwind components that are commonly used in web applications. |
Tailwind Templates | A free collection of Tailwindcss Templates - tailwind components for rapid UI development. |
Stitches | An HTML template generator using functional css. |
Meraki UI Components | Beautiful Tailwindcss components that support RTL languages & fully responsive based on Flexbox & CSS Grid. |
Daemonites Material Design For Bootstrap | Daemonite's Material UI is a cross-platform and fully responsive front-end interface based on Google Material Design developed using Bootstrap 4 |
Stitches | CSS-in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class developer experience. |
Headless UI | Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. |
Styled components | Build beautifully UI Components, for your applications & websites. |
Figma Bootstrap 5 UI Kit | UI Kit comprising 300+ organized Bootstrap 5 components built with atomic design system & auto layout. |
Notiflix | JavaScript library for client-side non-blocking notifications, popup boxes, loading indicators, and more that makes your web projects much better |
CoreUI | Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template & UI Components Library |
AgnosticUI | Accessible React component primitives that also work with Vue 3, Svelte, and Angular |
SVGR | SVGR is an universal tool to transform a raw SVG into a ready-to-use React components. Available online, in CLI, Node.js, as a webpack/rollup/parcel plugin... |
React UI Libraries
UI and component libraries for the React JavaScript framework
Website | Description |
Material UI | React components for faster and easier web development, based on Material Design |
Chakra UI | Build accessible React apps & websites with speed. Openchakra |
React Bootstrap | Bootstrap rebuilt for React. Include Bootstrap components right in your JavaScript |
Semi Design | A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system that gives you all modular blocks you need to build sensible web apps & SaaS products. |
Mantine | React components and hooks library with native dark theme support focused on usability, accessibility and developer experience. |
NextUI | Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library that allows you to create beatiful websites regardless of your design experience. |
Arco Design | A comprehensive React UI components library based on the Arco Design system. |
ui-playbook | The documented collection of UI components |
ReactStrap | Another Bootstrap UI library for React |
React Admin | A frontend Framework for building admin applications. Supports API's out of the box |
BlueprintJS | React-based UI toolkit for the web |
React Semantic UI | UI components based off of the Semantic UI framework |
Shards React | React UI kit featuring a modern design system with dozens of custom components |
React Virtualized | UI set for data. Includes tables, lists, sorting, etc. |
React Toolbox | Material design UI library for React |
Elastic UI | Distributes UI React components and static assets for use in building web layouts |
React Desktop | Desktop styled components in React. Includes MacOS and Windows based components |
Theme UI | Build consistent, themeable React apps based on constraint-based design principles |
Onsen React | Distributes Components for hybrid mobile apps with React and Onsen UI |
Evergreen | Design system for React |
Rebass | React primitive UI components built with styled system |
Grommet | mobile first UI component library |
Landing Page Template | Open source landing page template for react |
Elemental UI | A UI Toolkit for React.js Websites and Apps |
Ant Design | Open source design React UI library. |
Bumbag | Bumbag is a friendly React UI Kit suitable for MVPs or large-scale applications. |
PRIMEREACT | The ultimate collection of design-agnostic, flexible and accessible React UI Components |
Primer Components | Primer Components are React components which implement GitHub's Primer Design System |
Orbit | Design system and React UI components for travel projects. |
Base Web | Base Web provides a robust suite of components out of the box |
Backpack UI | Backpack is the Lonely Planet toolset that we use to build front end apps. |
Reaviz | Data visualization library for React based on D3 |
React Suite | A suite of React components, sensible UI design, and a friendly development experience. |
React Spring | Spring-physics based animation library for React applications. |
Recharts | A composable charting library built on React components. |
Vercel UI | Modern and minimalist React UI library |
Framer Motion | A React library to power production-ready animations. |
React Spectrum | A React implementation of Spectrum, Adobe’s design system. |
React tsParticles | A lightweight React component for creating particles |
particles-bg | A React particles animation background component |
Treact | Gallery of free and modern React templates and UI components developed using TailwindCSS as the front-end framework |
OAH-Admin | a free React admin dashboard template based on Gatsby with oah-ui components and elements package. |
Carolina Admin Dashboard | Free React admin template is powered by Material-UI components framework and features a clean and fresh design following Google's Material Design specifications. |
Tabler | Tabler is a free React admin dashboard template ideal for any kind of back-end web application. |
Sha-el-design | React components for easier customization and smooth development flow. |
React-WeUI | React-WeUI made from our love of React and WeChat's WeUI Design. |
Supabase UI | An open-source UI component library inspired by Tailwind and AntDesign. |
Ring UI | A collection of JetBrains Web UI components. |
React95 | Refreshed Windows 95 style UI components for your React app. |
Reakit | Reakit is a lower level component library for building accessible high level UI libraries, design systems and applications with React. |
Zent | A collection of essential UI components written with React. |
Gestalt | A set of React UI components that supports Pinterest’s design language. |
xstyled | A CSS-in-JS framework built for React with props based utilities like display, fontSize or rotate. |
@use-gesture | Bread n butter utility for component-tied mouse/touch gestures in React. |
React Rainbow | React Rainbow is a collection of components that will reliably help you build your application in a snap. |
React Use Smooth Scroll | React Provider Component to add a smooth scroll effect |
Choc UI | Choc UI is a set of accessible and reusable components that are commonly used in web applications. |
Elementz | A React Component library for buliding modern applications easily & quickly. |
Radix UI | Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps in React |
Materio MUI React NextJS Admin Template | Most Powerful & Comprehensive Open-source MUI React NextJS Admin Dashboard Template built for developers. |
Vue UI Libraries
UI and component libraries for the Vue JavaScript framework
Website | Description |
Vuetify | Material design component framework |
Bootstrap Vue | Use Bootstrap components with Vue |
Buefy | Lightweight UI components based on Bulma |
Semantic UI Vue | Semantic UI Vue is the Vue integration for Semantic UI |
Arco Design Vue | A comprehensive Vue UI components library based on the Arco Design system. |
VEUI | VEUI is an enterprise UI component library, based on Vue.js. |
Grace | Design System For Vue Applications. |
Quasar | High-performance Material Design component suite with builders for SPA, SSR, PWA, Mobile (Cordova & Capacitor), Desktop (Electron) and Browser extensions |
Element | Desktop UI library for Vue |
Fish UI | Vue UI toolkit for the web |
Keen UI | VueUI library with a simple API, inspired by Google's Material Design |
Materio Vuetify Vuejs Admin Template | Open-source & Easy to use Vuetify Vuejs Admin Template with Elegant Design & Unique Layout |
Onsen Vue | Distributes Components for hybrid mobile apps with Vue and Onsen UI |
Vuejsexamples | A nice collection of useful vuejs UI components |
Inkline | Inkline is a modern UI/UX Framework for Vue.js designed for creating flawless responsive web applications |
Vuesax | Unique and reusable UI components |
Antdv | UI library for Vue based on Ant Design |
Shards Vue | A high-quality & free Vue UI kit featuring a modern design system with dozens of custom components |
Prime Vue | Powerful yet simple to use, versatile, performant Vue UI Component Library to help you build stunning user interfaces. |
Chakra UI Vue | Chakra UI is a simple modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks to build Vue applications with speed. |
View UI | Dozens of useful and beautiful Vue components made for people with all skill levels with extensive documentation. |
Particles.vue | A lightweight Vue 2.x component for creating particles |
Particles.vue3 | A lightweight Vue 3.x component for creating particles |
TC Components | A library of high-quality ready to use components that will help you speed up your development workflow. |
Vant | Lightweight Mobile UI Components built on Vue. |
Equal UI | Open-source Vue 3 components system for your next project based on TypeScript |
Mint UI | Mobile UI elements for Vue.js |
Cube UI | A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue.js |
Muse UI | Based on the Vue 2.0 elegant Material Design UI component library |
AT-UI | AT-UI is a modular front-end UI framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces based on Vue.js. |
Vuikit | A consistent and responsive Vue UI library, based on the front-end framework UIkit. |
Wave UI | A Vue.js UI framework with only the bright side. |
VueTailwind | Set of Lightview and fully customizable Vue Components optimized for TailwindCSS. |
Oruga | Oruga is a lightweight library of UI components for Vue.js without CSS framework dependency. |
BalmUI | BalmUI is a modular and customizable Material Design UI library for Vue.js. |
Weex UI | A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex. |
Varlet | Varlet is a Material design mobile component library developed based on Vue3, developed and maintained by partners in the community. |
Naive UI | A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Customizable Themes. Uses TypeScript. Not too Slow. |
Vuestic | Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘. |
Vue Final Modal | Vue Final Modal is a tiny, renderless, mobile-friendly, feature-rich modal component for Vue.js. |
Vuetensils | Vuetensils is a lightweight component library for Vue 2.x that brings some of most common UI features, but only the bare minimum styles to avoid adding any extra bloat. You can work on the branding, and don't have to worry about the accessibility. |
Angular UI Libraries
UI and component libraries for the Angular JavaScript framework
Website | Description |
Material Angular | UI library for Angular based on Material design |
NG Bootstrap | UI library for Angular based on the Bootstrap framework |
PrimeNG | Powerful UI component library for Angular |
Onsen Angular | Hybrid mobile and PWA UI library for Angular and Onsen UI |
NG Lightning | Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System |
NG Semantic | UI library for Angular based on Semantic UI |
Nebular | Customizable UI Kit, Auth & Security for Angular |
Alyle UI | Minimal components set for Angular |
NGX Bootstrap | Another UI library for Angular based on the Bootstrap framework |
NG Zorro | UI library for Angular based on Ant Design |
Pagination for datatables | npm library for pagination |
Multi select dropdown | For multi select drop-dowm in forms |
NG Particles | A lightweight Angular component for creating particles |
Covalent UI | Angular UI Platform focused on solving common enterprise needs |
Clarity | CSS based Angular UI framework developed by VMware group |
Taiga UI | Taiga UI is fully-treeshakable Angular UI Kit consisting of multiple base libraries and several add-ons. |
Svelte UI Libraries
UI and component libraries for the Svelte JavaScript compiler
Website | Description |
Svelte Material UI | UI library for Svelte based on Material Design |
SvelteStrap | UI library for Svelte based on the Bootstrap framework |
Svelte Flat UI | UI library for Svelte based on Flat Design |
Svelte Particles | A lightweight Svelte component for creating particles |
Attractions | A pretty cool UI kit for Svelte |
Svelteit | A minimalistic UI/UX component library for Svelte and Sapper projects |
React Native UI Libraries
UI and component libraries for the React Native Framework
Website | Description |
Magnus UI | Magnus UI is the ultimate UI framework that helps you in building consistent user interfaces effortlessly in react native |
React Native UI Lib | React Native UI (RNUI) is a UI Toolset & Components Library for React Native from Wix |
React Native Paper | React Native Paper is a high-quality, standard-compliant Material Design library that has you covered in all major use-cases |
UI Kitten | UI Kitten is React Native framework for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications. Design system based, brings your product from MVP to enterprise. |
React Native Elements | Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit that provides an all-in-one UI kit for creating apps in react native. |
NativeBase | Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native & Vue Native. |
Shoutem UI | Shoutem UI toolkit enables you to build professionally looking React Native apps with ease. |
tailwind-rn | Use Tailwind CSS in React Native projects. |
Ant Design Mobile RN | An Ant design based configurable Mobile UI component library based on React Native. |
SnackUI | SnackUI is a UI Kit for React Native + react-native-web that's much faster rocket with an optimizing compiler. |
Moti | Moti is the universal animation package for React Native |
Tamagui | Universal React design systems that optimize for native & web. |